Wednesday 19 June 2013


I have been writing a song called Thunder all day. I thought it was about time I did something for myself and it's ages since I've written a song which stands on its own two feet and doesn't need to be listened to in the context of something else. Obviously my eye is on Eurovision, but until the BBC changes its policy on selecting songs, I'll have to think about which other Eurovision countries might accept a song by a Brit. I've recently met a record producer who says he's always on the look out for decent pop songs, so you never know do you? I think Thunder is a fairly catchy title, don't you? 

The process of orchestrating the song, so that it feels like a big old bluesy Bond film, has basically occupied me from 10am this morning to 11pm. Part of me thinks I should have done some more prep for tomorrow's White City shoot, but the other part thinks it will make me a lot less stressed if I deal with problems tomorrow as they come rather than worrying about them before they happen.

It's very therapeutic to write a song in 24 hours and I should do it more often. I started it yesterday evening, and when Nathan came home, we worked on it together. I woke up this morning to find that Nathan had written a complete set of lyrics for it, which was very exiting. They're good lyrics as well! He's such a clever man! 

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