Sunday 24 August 2014

Post Brass

I am currently sitting in a kitchen somewhere in an enormous student accommodation block. Half the cast is here with me. The boys have just done an impersonation of the girls singing "Barnbow Lassies" from the show, and the girls have returned the favour by doing "When You're a Pal" in the style of the boys.

More and more of the cast and band are trickling into the party, but at 3.30am, it's surely time for bed?

We've had two sensational shows today, which culminated in the most astonishingly energetic and moving performance by the cast. It was almost as though they were savouring every moment, knowing it could be the last time they perform the show.

The effect on those who saw it was remarkable. The entire audience was up on its feet before the cast had finished singing their final note. The applause lasted throughout the band play out and then on and on until the band was forced to reprise their reprise. When the smoke cleared, there was a scene of carnage in the stalls. There were people weeping into scarves; whole rows of elderly gentlemen with bright red eyes. I've never seen the like.

The wonderful Mark Shenton (musical theatre critic extraordinaire) came to see the show this afternoon and tweeted lovely things about us, which included describing me as having the "most authentically British musical theatre voice since Howard Goodall." An honour indeed. Particularly as I happen to know that Shenton loves Goodall.

- *Guest blog post by Ben Jones

Tom Ramsay. I have won. By a long, long way. Thank you. -

Not altogether sure what that was about. Perhaps I'm drunk. I have had a lovely whiskey. I am very happy and relieved.


  1. Excellent Benjamin!! The music you have created around the gritty storyline had the hairs standing on the back of my neck. You deserve much success with this production and surely if the show is performed elsewhere word will get around of the outstanding music you have written. Good luck!

  2. it was so wonderful saw friday nights performance excellent ,I would say London here we come ,now that would be wonderful ,


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