Sunday 23 September 2012


I'm an old-timer! Nathan, Cindy and I have just gone to see the 10th anniversary production of Taboo. The bloke playing Philip Sallon, the brilliant Paul Baker, is reviving the Olivier award-winning role he created all those years ago, and midway through the show, drifted through the audience, put his arms around me, and said "ladies and gentlemen, it's Benjamin Till, the Resident Director of the London show..." He then introduced Nathan to the audience as an original cast member, reminding us both in the process that Taboo was the show that brought us together. 

This revival is wonderful. There are some brilliant performances, particularly Sam Butterworth, who I'd never have cast in the role, out of principal, really, on account of his being a reality TV star, but he's genuinely excellent. 

The scene when Philip Sallon gets beaten up was a very different prospect seen through the lens of last year's events when Philip was nearly killed in a homophobic attack.

Both Nathan and I were slightly reticent about going to see the show, worrying that it might have been slightly unnerving, or bring up some of the more turbulent memories from the time. I did, after all, walk out of the show a week before it got its notice. But it was deeply charming, hugely nostalgic, and I hope lots of people will go to see it. 

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