Monday 25 March 2013


I've worked pretty solidly today from 9am until 10pm with only a short break to go to the gym. This turned out to be a particularly unpleasant experience. Probably because I haven't had a chance to do any exercise during the last month, the moment I started sweating, I started to itch, and within a few minutes I was covered in a rash, which lasted about ten minutes. Allergic to my own sweat! Fabulous! I'm sure it was just an aberration and frankly, I've been eating so much rubbish of late that I'm probably kicking out all sorts of dreadful toxins which totally freaked my skin out. Time to pull myself together...

I was so moved today to see images of farmers in the north, with spades, literally digging their sheep out of snow drifts. I was astonished to see any of them emerging alive. They were completely buried and some had been trapped for days. It is, of course, lambing season and some ewes had been giving birth in the drifts. Of course these lambs don't stand a chance, and were being dug out frozen solid. It's so sad. I shall try to think about these farmers every time I start to complain about being cold. 

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